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How Do I Know if My Home Needs a New Electrical Panel

Mister Sparky Electrician Techs Mike, Alex, Jane and Pete in front of a red service vehicle at a Pompano Beach home.An electrical panel can last for several decades if it’s adequately sized for your home. However, like almost anything else in your house, it will eventually need to be replaced. There are several variables to consider when determining if the electrical panel is no longer right for your house.

Are There Enough Amps to Meet Your Needs?

Perhaps the best way to measure whether your electrical panel is outdated is to consider whether it has enough amps to meet your energy needs. Typical panels will have anywhere from 100 to 150 amps with strong units having between 200 and 300 amps. Of course, an older electrical panel that only has 80 amps may still be good enough if you only want to turn on the hallway lights or have the television on at night.

Do the Lights Flicker or Dim for No Reason?

If the lights start to flicker or dim for no reason, it could be that the electrical panel isn’t strong enough to meet your needs. This is especially true if this happens when the air conditioner or heat pump comes on or if the lights go out because you turned on the washer or decided to turn on the hot tub.

Do You Need More Power in the Future?

One of the advantages of upgrading your electrical panel is that it gives you more circuits than you need at the moment. This means that you’ll have room for a new heat pump, hot tub or generator. It also means that you’ll have more amps available to meet any future needs that you might have. For instance, if you have kids, they may want to play video games, use their computers and spend time on other devices that use electricity. If you have kids, you might also want to install a new camera or smart devices that make your house a safer and more secure place to live.

Are the Appliances Overheating?

If you see your appliances overheating when they are running, it may be because the electrical panel isn’t functioning properly. Of course, it’s worth noting that the appliances themselves might be malfunctioning and not simply overloading the circuit. Overworking appliances for too long could lead to an electrical fire as well as severe damage to the appliance and to your electrical panel.

The Circuit Breakers Are Constantly Tripping

It’s not a problem for a circuit to break every so often, and there are multiple reasons why that might happen. However, if multiple circuits are breaking, there might be an issue with the electrical panel. The same might be true if one or two circuits are breaking on a regular bias. Even if there is no danger of a fire or other damage to the home, you don’t want to feel as if you’re at the mercy of your circuit breaker to get the laundry done.

Call the Folks at Mister Sparky for Assistance Today

The team at Mister Sparky can take a look at your home’s electrical panel to determine if it’s right for your home or not. We can also repair or replace wires, outlets or other electrical components that need to be serviced. This can help to ensure that your home is safe from fires or blackouts for years to come.